Why Vinyl Flooring Makes Great Sense – 5 Reasons

Many people still think that the heyday of vinyl flooring was in the 1960’s and 70’s, or after the Second World War when advances in technology make the material widely available. Then there came a time when it simply went out of style – it was seen as tacky and other materials like natural wood and tile began to take over the flooring market.

However, vinyl has surged to the forefront of the flooring market once again – powered by new advances in how it is used. And one of those advances has been a new wave of luxury vinyl flooring products – including vinyl tiles and planking. The advances in vinyl manufacture – and the ability of manufacturers to now produce vinyl products that so closely resemble natural products has brought the material to the attention of both designers and homeowners across the globe.

1. Hard Wearing.

The latest advances in vinyl flooring have meant that it is now more hard wearing than ever before. the addition of urethane coating means that this flooring will retain its good looks for years – even under the hardest and most trying of conditions and foot traffic. Even in homes where pets and children are a feature the coating will keep the flooring looking great.

2. Great Looks.

Gone are the days when vinyl flooring looked cheap and tacky. The modern versions of vinyl flooring are stylish and boast incredible aesthetic appeal. In fact it is now almost impossible to tell the difference between many types of luxury vinyl flooring and natural wood and stone tiles. The new generation of LVT (Luxury Vinyl Tile) features variations in patterning and texture that make it ideal for use in a variety of luxurious settings 0 and also makes ideal for the homeowner to express his or her own sense of individual style.

3. Comfort.

The latest versions of vinyl flooring have a much softer feel underfoot than the older versions that were available only a decade ago. When compared to floor material like tile vinyl provides an ultra luxurious feel that is gentle on the feet of every family member. In fact many of the more luxurious vinyl styles are now introducing cork into the layering which makes up the vinyl – this not only increases comfort levels but also contributes to reducing noise levels in the home.

4. Water Resistance.

Unlike natural substances such as hardwood vinyl can be installed or fitted to every room in the house – including bathrooms and kitchens. Whereas wood can suffer from exposure to moisture vinyl will retain its beauty even under the hardest of circumstances and when exposed to either moisture or spills.This makes it the perfect flooring material to provide the homeowner with the option of keeping an individual style throughout the home – without sacrificing functionality.

5. Maintenance.

One of the most wonderful things about vinyl is that it requires very little in terms of specialized maintenance. unlike wood or even tile a vinyl floor is relatively easy to care for. Professional carpet or floor maintenance issues will become a thing of the past once vinyl flooring is installed. A simple wipe down with a household cleaner will be enough to keep a vinyl floor in tip top condition. And the fact that the vinyl floor is ultra water resistant also means that there will never be an instance where boards need to be replaced.

Vinyl flooring simply makes sense, both from an aesthetic perspective and from a cost perspective. New styles mean a new look that is allowing vinyl to make a huge comeback – especially for homeowners who want their homes to be a unique expression of individual taste.

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